Sunday, August 15, 2010

15 Reasons Why Crowdrise is way cooler than Facebook

Crowdrise is a fundraising website created by Edward Norton & Friends, where you can be a part of fundraising projects, create your own projects, volunteer and donate to your favourite projects and charities. It’s a dynamic community where there’s always something going on, from contests to voting sprees. But for some reason I can not understand, most people (at least the ones I know) seem to rather spend their time on Facebook than on Crowdrise. I’m sure they only do that because they don’t know what they’re missing, so I came up with 15 reasons why Crowdrise is a lot cooler that Facebook.

1- At Crowdrise you get to help great causes and unlike “Causes” on Facebook, you always have a very ego-boosting feedback
2- At Crowdrise you will always get votes and comments from a lot of people, even if they don’t like you (or in fact know you). In Facebook you only get comments from your friends (when you do get comments from your friends).
3- You can upload photos to both websites, but at Crowdrise they always tell you that you look great in your pictures when you upload them, even if you don’t.
4- The Crowdrise crew is a lot nicer and funnier than the Facebook crew (who are just plain normal).
5- You get to be “Friends” with Crowdrise Verified celebrities with a great sense of humour. They can vote for you and comment your page! If you ask nicely they may even donate to your projects. At Facebook you have a million celebrities’ pages and most of them are either fake, boring or both.
6- Crowdrise gives you the chance of winning awesome prizes like Apple iPads, laptops, iPods, and clothes. At Facebook you may win a new fence in Farmville.
7- At Crowdrise you may get to be treated like royalty: when you get to 100,000 points you become a Doctor, at 200,000 a Tsar, you’re a Mime at 300,000 points, a Baron/ness at 500,000, a DJ at 750,000 and when you get to 1,000,000 points you are a Sir/Dame. At Facebook the only titles you have are the nicknames your friends come up with.
8- In Crowdrise you get to play Rock, Paper, Scissors and if you win you get 1,000 points, that may help you win great prizes. In Facebook’s games you always get virtual prizes that don’t really contribute to your happiness (the only thing they contribute to is your obesity, because of the time you spend seated playing them)
9- At Crowdrise they have a picture of a napkin, and not just a napkin, a red napkin!
10- Because I say so, and I have an awesome taste!*
11- At Crowdrise you may get to be the Crowdrise Featured Human Person and everyone will try to impress you. In Facebook, well, you just don’t…
12- When Crowdrise is in the news is always for a good thing. When Facebook is in the news is usually because someone decided to post too much information about themselves online and is complaining about the lack of privacy.
13- It is scientifically proved that Crowdrise members live up to 5 years longer than Facebook members.*
14- If helping old ladies cross the street is too tiring for you, you can still practice your good deed of the day at Crowdrise. You can always post a nice comment about someone on Facebook but it’s not really the same, is it?
15- Crowdrise makes you a better person. *

*-This may not necessarily be true but I’m sure it is.

If you have more reasons why Crowdrise is cooler than Facebook, please share them by commenting.

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