Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Animals in Circuses

We all like to go to the circus. Most of us anyway. Most of us also like to see the tigers, the lions, monkeys and all sorts of wild animals doing all sort of things. They are beautiful aren't them? If you really like them, then you should not want them to be in the circus. They are wild animals, not pets. They belong in the wild, not in cages. Don't you think it's a little stupid having an animal training day after day, learning all those tricks against their will, just to please us? It's at least cruel.
Here, in Portugal, there are already actions against the use of animals in circuses. But Portugal isn't the only country where people have started to turn against this cruel entertainment. Sites, like the one of animal liberation or the one of animal activism, already call our attention onto this subject.
There is a book by Jean Yves Domalain, called The animal connection : the confessions of an ex-wild animal trafficker, wich talks about the animal traffic that is behind the circus. You can also go to IDAUSA's site for more information.
Do you really think that is such a big deal that our kids won't get to enjoy the sight of a man putting his head inside a lion's mouth? There are so many wonderful things to see in the circus! Such human talent! Why should we be selfish?

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